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Space Engineering

NASA schedules First Flight of X-59 Experimental Aircraft in 2024

NASA’s groundbreaking Quesst mission has made the decision to delay the inaugural flight of its X-59 quiet supersonic aircraft until 2024. This experimental aircraft represents a unique collaboration between NASA researchers and prime contractor Lockheed Martin Skunk Works, requiring complex engineering and innovative solutions.

Estimated read time 3 min read

NASA’s James Webb Telescope Clicks an Ethereal View of NGC 346

After presenting a near-infrared view that showcased both chilly and heated dust, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has now shifted its focus to NGC 346’s mid-infrared domain. In doing so, it has unveiled a spectacle of gas and dust, adorned with luminous patches teeming with youthful protostars.

Estimated read time 3 min read

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope finds bizarre explosion in unexpected place

NASA Hubble Space Telescope – LFBOTs are among the most brilliant visible-light events in the cosmos, resembling unexpected camera flashbulbs going off in the darkness of space. Since the first discovery in 2018, only a handful of these events have been detected, occurring roughly once a year. These luminous bursts briefly illuminate the universe before fading away, leaving astronomers eager to understand their origins.